25 Petua Dan Manfaat Kesihatan Berjalan

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Video: 25 Petua Dan Manfaat Kesihatan Berjalan

Video: 25 Petua Dan Manfaat Kesihatan Berjalan
Video: 10 Perkara yang berlaku pada badan anda jika anda berjalan setiap hari 2024, April
25 Petua Dan Manfaat Kesihatan Berjalan
25 Petua Dan Manfaat Kesihatan Berjalan

Berlari adalah senaman TERBAIK. Satu kajian yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of the American College of Cardiology melaporkan bahawa berjalan selama 5-10 minit pada jarak 6 batu / jam setiap hari dapat mengurangkan risiko kematian disebabkan oleh semua sebab (1). William Haskell, mantan ketua Jabatan Kesihatan dan Perkhidmatan Manusia (HHS), mengatakan bahawa berjalan boleh menambah 3-7 tahun dalam hidup anda (2). Latihan sederhana ini dapat meningkatkan kecergasan fizikal dan mental anda dengan cepat. Artikel ini membincangkan petua dan faedah kesihatan yang terbaik untuk berlari agar anda tetap termotivasi dan terus berjalan. Mari kita mulakan!

Petua Berlari Terbaik

1. Melabur dalam Kasut Lari yang Baik

Faedah Berjalan - Melabur dalam Kasut Lari yang Baik
Faedah Berjalan - Melabur dalam Kasut Lari yang Baik

Petua penting dan kritikal untuk berlari: Beli kasut lari yang betul, atau anda akan mencederakan diri sendiri. Berlari boleh menjadi berat sekiranya anda tidak mempunyai kasut yang sesuai.

[Baca: Jenama Pakaian Senaman Terbaik]

2. Sentiasa Memanaskan badan

Sentiasa ingat untuk memanaskan badan sedikit sebelum anda benar-benar mula berlari. Ini menyiapkan badan dan minda anda untuk aktiviti fizikal yang akan anda mulakan.

3. Bentuk Badan Kanan

Kelebihan Berlari - Bentuk Badan Yang Betul
Kelebihan Berlari - Bentuk Badan Yang Betul

Sentiasa menjaga postur badan yang betul semasa berlari. Postur yang salah boleh membahayakan lebih banyak daripada yang baik - boleh menyebabkan sakit di punggung, leher, dan juga bahu. Pastikan tulang belakang anda tegak, jangan angkat tangan di atas pinggang, dan biarkan siku anda keluar.

4. Mengekalkan Langkah Yang Mantap

Berlari dengan kadar yang paling sesuai untuk anda. Pemula mesti meningkatkan langkah mereka secara beransur-ansur. Perubahan kadar yang tiba-tiba dan kerap boleh menyebabkan kecederaan dan keletihan.

5. Amalkan Teknik Lari Dan Berjalan

Kelebihan Berlari - Berlatih Teknik Berlari Dan Berjalan
Kelebihan Berlari - Berlatih Teknik Berlari Dan Berjalan

If you are a beginner, run a little and then walk for some time. This will help your body get used to the exercise. As you proceed, increase the running time and decrease the walking time.

6. Breathe Right

Make sure you are breathing right. You must breathe through your mouth as well as nose. This helps you get enough oxygen for your muscles while you are running and also helps strengthen your lungs. The best breathing exercise is one that is borrowed from chi-running. It says,‘ Breathe in for two steps, out for three steps.’

[Read: Effective Breathing Exercises]

7. Time Yourself

Faedah Berjalan - Luangkan Masa Sendiri
Faedah Berjalan - Luangkan Masa Sendiri

If you have just started, time yourself first. Do not go by the miles. Track the total time you run in minutes. This is important because when you start, you start slow, and this would not result in too many miles. The idea is not to get discouraged.

8. Run Uphill

Racing uphill tends to keep you fit and increases your body strength. All you need to do is run with short strides while you pump your arms. While going downhill, go for longer strides and relax your arms.

9. Rest The Body When Needed

Kelebihan Berlari - Rehatkan Badan Apabila Diperlukan
Kelebihan Berlari - Rehatkan Badan Apabila Diperlukan

It is very important that you listen to your body. If it gets sore, take a day off to allow it to rest and recover.

10. Run Barefoot

Running barefoot on grass is very good for the acupressure points present on our feet and heels. It helps in healing various diseases and acne. However, be careful as you might end up pricking your feet. If you can’t go running barefooted, try minimalist shoes to simulate barefoot running. Go slow – take a jog instead of a run.

11. Increase Foot Turnovers

Faedah Berlari - Meningkatkan Pusing Kaki
Faedah Berlari - Meningkatkan Pusing Kaki

Increasing your foot turnovers (taking shorter strides) can strengthen your body, which helps in skin tightening and toning of the muscles. Experts suggest you take 180 steps per minute. This will also help in avoiding shin injuries.

12. Run On Sand

Did you know that running on sand or the beach can improve your muscle tone? A study says that running on sand requires 1.6 times more energy than running on a track or in the park. This is because your body needs to work harder to deal with the unstable and soft surface.

These tips will help you run efficiently, burn calories, and feel less fatigued. Now, let’s see how running regularly can benefit you.

Benefits Of Running

13. Reduces Belly Fat

Kebaikan Berlari - Mengurangkan Lemak Perut
Kebaikan Berlari - Mengurangkan Lemak Perut

Running is an excellent way to reduce your bulging belly. It helps to strengthen the core muscles like the transverse abdominis, erector spinae, and the obliques that help tone and suck in your belly. Moreover, the flab on the muscles is whittled away, making your belly look toned and slim.

14. Keeps Your Heart Healthy

According to an article published in Clinics in Sports Medicine, long distance running has a positive effect on the heart and helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease (3). Slow and steady jogging on the treadmill or the road can work your heart properly, help mobilize the fat, and prevent artery clogging.

15. Tones The Legs

Kelebihan Berlari - Nada Kaki
Kelebihan Berlari - Nada Kaki

Toned legs always look good. Running helps tone your outer thighs, inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, glutes, and calves. When you run, you use all the muscles in your legs, buttocks, core, and arms. When you work these muscles, they undergo wear and tear, but they grow stronger when you get proper rest and help them recover.

16. Aids Weight Loss

Running is an excellent workout for weight loss. It helps burn more calories, works on both small and large muscle groups, helps mobilize the fat, and reduces visceral fat. American scientists studied the effect of running and walking on weight loss. Their study concluded that running is more effective than walking when it comes to weight loss (4).

17. Helps Fight Depression

Kelebihan Berlari - Membantu Melawan Kemurungan
Kelebihan Berlari - Membantu Melawan Kemurungan

According to WHO, about 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression (5). It is a serious issue and should not be ignored. Scientists have found that running can stimulate the release of serotonin (the feel-good hormone) and is as effective psychotherapy in treating depression (6).

[Read: How To Fight Depression With Meditation?]

18. Strengthens The Bones And Joints

Running helps strengthen the bones and joints. Numerous studies have found that it has the upper hand over walking or any other exercise when it comes to boosting the strength of the bones and joints. Running reduces the risk of osteoarthritis and hip replacement and strengthens the intervertebral disc (7), (8).

20. Relieves Stress

Benefits Of Running - Relieves Stress
Benefits Of Running - Relieves Stress

If you feel stressed out, stop whatever you are doing and run for a good 20 minutes. By the end of it, your stress will vanish like magic. Running helps improve your mood, flushes out toxins, and is a great way to eliminate negative thoughts. It helps you think clearly about situations you are worried about and enables you to take better decisions.

21. Running Is A Healthy High

I say this from firsthand experience that running gives you a high – a healthy one. No side effects, only benefits. Once you get used to running for at least 10 minutes a day, you will feel the urge to run every day and also have a competitive spirit to outdo the previous day’s performance.

22. You Can Run Anytime, Anywhere

Benefits Of Running - You Can Run Anytime, Anywhere
Benefits Of Running - You Can Run Anytime, Anywhere

You do not need a special suit, equipment or specific time to run. You can just run anytime and anywhere. You may run in the morning or evening, on the treadmill or in the park. In fact, if you are stressed out or feel depressed, run. Don’t bother if it is afternoon or midnight.

23. Fights Off Common Cold

According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine Study, people who performed an aerobic activity at least five days a week suffered 43% lesser from upper respiratory tract infections. Also, if runners caught a cold, the symptoms were less severe. So, if you have the common cold, get on the treadmill and run to give your immunity a boost.

24. Helps You Get A Good Dose Of Vitamin D

Benefits Of Running - Helps You Get A Good Dose Of Vitamin D
Benefits Of Running - Helps You Get A Good Dose Of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced when you are out in the morning sun. It is important for your bones, skin, and immunity. But most of the times, we do not get proper sun exposure, leading to weak immunity and bones and increased risk of skin cancer. Get up early in the morning and run to get your dose of vitamin D. It will also make you feel energetic for the rest of the day.

[Read: Vitamin D Rich Foods]

25. Helps You Live Long

Scientists have found that running helps prevent cardiovascular disease, fever, and allergies, reduces the risk of diabetes, stress, and depression, and improves brain function (9). It can make you immune to any cause of death and disease.

Berlari adalah latihan yang hebat, dan anda pasti akan menyukainya. Sudah tentu, bersama dengan berlari, anda mesti makan sihat dan melakukan latihan kekuatan jika anda ingin membina otot. Jadi, dapatkan kasut lari anda dan mulakan berlari! Ceria!


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