Adakah Semanggi Merah Mengandungi Estrogen? Adakah Selamat Digunakan?

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Video: Adakah Semanggi Merah Mengandungi Estrogen? Adakah Selamat Digunakan?

Video: Adakah Semanggi Merah Mengandungi Estrogen? Adakah Selamat Digunakan?
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Adakah Semanggi Merah Mengandungi Estrogen? Adakah Selamat Digunakan?
Adakah Semanggi Merah Mengandungi Estrogen? Adakah Selamat Digunakan?

Semanggi merah adalah simpanan protein dan fitokimia unik. Kilang ini mempunyai bunga merah jambu-merah yang indah, dan daun-daun halus berwarna hijau terang. Bunga itu digunakan oleh pengamal perubatan rakyat untuk merawat kilat panas dan gejala menopaus pada wanita.

Penyelidikan lebih lanjut membawa kepada penemuan kesan anti-radang, antioksidan, dan pembersih darahnya. Tetapi eksperimen moden tidak menunjukkan kesan semanggi merah pada kesihatan dan kesejahteraan manusia.

Apa yang menentukan nasib ramuan ini? Adakah selamat digunakan untuk kesihatan anda? Tatal ke bawah untuk mengungkap misteri semanggi merah.

Isi kandungan

  • Apa itu Red Clover? Apa Itu Dikenali?
  • Bagaimana Red Clover memberi manfaat kepada kesihatan anda?
  • Apakah Komponen Kimia Dalam Semanggi Merah?
  • Adakah Selamat Mengalami Semanggi Merah?
  • Cara Mengambil Semanggi Merah
  • Apakah Dosis Semanggi Merah yang Disarankan?

Apa itu Red Clover? Apa Itu Dikenali?

Apa itu Semanggi Merah
Apa itu Semanggi Merah

Semanggi merah (Trifolium pratense L.) adalah ahli keluarga kacang dan kacang polong, yang dikenali sebagai Fabaceae / Leguminosae. Kepala bunga merah jambu yang unik adalah ciri khas tumbuhan ini (1).

Varieti semanggi ini adalah makanan yang sangat baik untuk haiwan, ternakan, dan unggas. Ia mempunyai kandungan protein yang sangat mudah dicerna dan nilai tenaga bersih (2).

Selama berabad-abad, tanaman semanggi telah digunakan untuk mengatasi asma, batuk rejan, dan gout. Ubat tradisional menggunakan ekstrak daun separa bersih dari tumbuhan ini untuk mengatasi gangguan menopaus pada wanita (1), (3).

Sebilangan faedah ini disebabkan oleh kehadiran isoflavon pada semanggi merah. Isoflavon juga disebut fitoestrogen kerana kesamaan struktur yang mereka kongsi dengan estrogen di dalam badan kita (3).

Fitoestrogen biasanya cenderung mengganggu aktiviti estrogen. Mereka mungkin bertindak sebagai agonis atau antagonis terhadap hormon ini, bergantung pada tahap tubuh mereka. Oleh itu, semanggi merah dan makanan tambahannya dijual sebagai alat bantuan kesihatan wanita (3) (4).

Sejauh manakah keberkesanan ubat herba ini? Adakah selamat mendapat suplemen semanggi merah? Dapatkan jawapan untuk soalan-soalan ini di bahagian di bawah. Mula menatal!

Bagaimana Red Clover memberi manfaat kepada kesihatan anda?

Semanggi merah boleh mengurangkan gejala menopaus, termasuk kilat panas. Ekstraknya boleh mempengaruhi kesihatan kardiovaskular dan tulang.

1. Boleh Mengurangkan Kilat Panas

Ekstrak semanggi merah dipasarkan sebagai penawar kilat panas dan gejala menopaus yang lain. Beberapa kajian klinikal menunjukkan pengurangan dalam kekerapan hot flashes, lebih-lebih lagi di kalangan wanita dengan tahap yang tinggi (<5 sehari) (4), (5).

Satu kajian melaporkan bahawa pengambilan suplemen herba ini selama 12 minggu memberi kesan positif pada wanita menopaus yang dirawat. Isoflavonnya mengurangkan tahap tekanan dan kegelisahan mereka (4).

Walau bagaimanapun, jumlah kajian yang lebih besar mendakwa tidak ada kesan ketara semanggi merah pada kilat panas (4), (6).

2. Boleh Mencegah Asma dan COPD

Boleh Mencegah Asma Dan COPD
Boleh Mencegah Asma Dan COPD

Teh semanggi merah atau tincture digunakan untuk mengatasi batuk rejan, asma, bronkitis, laringitis, dan tuberkulosis. Molekul aktif yang bertanggungjawab untuk kesan ini termasuk formononetin, biochanin A, daidzein, dan genistein. Semua ini adalah isoflavon yang terdapat pada semanggi merah dan soya (7).

Formononetin dan biochanin A terdapat dalam bahagian yang lebih tinggi dalam tanaman ini. Biochanin A mengurangkan tahap keradangan sel dan bahan kimia. Dalam model haiwan untuk asma, isoflavon ini melonggarkan otot trakea dan menurunkan keradangan (7).

Tetapi penggunaan semanggi merah yang berpanjangan menunjukkan beberapa kesan sampingan, menurut penyelidikan baru-baru ini. Pesakit dalam kajian ini mengadu mual, sakit kepala, dan ketidakselesaan gastrousus (7).

3. Boleh Meningkatkan Kualiti Hidup Pada Wanita

One of the symptoms women face during menopause is hair loss. Hair becomes weaker, and the scalp may lose the proliferating hair follicles, all at once. The hormonal changes during this phase also affect your skin texture (8).

Plants like red clover and soybean are rich in phytoestrogens. These molecules may take up the role of estrogen in your body, especially when one is deficient in the latter (8).

Using red clover supplements could improve the health of skin, hair, and nails. They may also enhance libido and sleep in post-menopausal women. This herbal extract may also keep fatigue, mood swings, and anxiety under check (8).

4. May Slow Cancer Progression

Red clover contains isoflavones like genistein, daidzein, and biochanin A. Contrary to the belief, these molecules may not enhance the risk of breast cancer. In fact, they act as weak estrogen agonists and protect you from such cancers (6).

The isoflavones suppress the production of enzymes like cyclooxygenase (COX). The COX enzymes are responsible for flaring up inflammation and cell damage. Hence, having red clover, beans, and legumes can manage the spread and severity of cancer (9).

Also, there is enough evidence showing lower rates of breast, prostate, gastrointestinal, and urinary tract cancers in people consuming isoflavone-rich foods (9).

5. Maintains Your Skin

Menjaga Kulit Anda
Menjaga Kulit Anda

Red clover has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Native Americans used it to cure external skin infections. This plant has healed athlete’s foot, burns, sores, and ulcers effectively (10).

Estrogen has a direct impact on your skin. It increases the collagen content and improves the skin’s moisture-holding capacity. Higher collagen levels make your skin look plump and young (11).

Since menopause causes an imbalance in estrogen levels, your skin may look dull, dry, and wrinkly. In such cases, red clover phytoestrogens help, to an extent, repair and rejuvenate your skin cells (11).

6. Purifies Blood And Improves Circulation

Native Americans used an infusion or tea with red clover blooms/flowers as a blood purifier. Tocopherol, the active ingredient in these flowers, possesses the necessary antioxidant potential (12).

It improves circulation and relaxes stiff muscles. You can brew a tea with red clover, burdock roots, prickly ash, and sassafrass and drink it to detox your body.

But beware! Having red clover tea with these herbs can have certain side effects (13).

7. May Manage Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

One of the prevalent conditions in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Obesity, inflammation, and free radicals worsen PCOS in obese/overweight women.

Foods/supplements rich in phytoestrogens prevent/control several metabolic disorders. These molecules eliminate free radicals in your body and purify your blood (14).

Red clover may have progesterone-like compounds in its extracts. Along with phytoestrogens, these chemicals aid in treating complex conditions like endometriosis and fibroids (14), (15), (16).

With further research, such plants could be used in hormone replacement therapy. They can substitute the current estrogen and progesterone regime, provided they have no side effects (16).

Most of the benefits of red clover could be attributed to the presence of isoflavones. Many other biochemical components participate in these activities. Know more about them below.


Red clover forage is actually a good animal feed. Often, cattle rearers let the herds chew on these plants. It is also widely grown and harvested to be used as hay and fodder (1). In a few studies, the isoflavones in this plant increased the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduced triglyceride levels in volunteers (17)

These lipid-lowering effects may aid better management of body weight, in both men and women. They may also protect you from cardiovascular diseases. However, a large number of studies d o not report any change in cholesterol levels in animals and humans (17)

What Are The Chemical Components In Red Clover?

Scientists have identified about 22 compounds that make up >36% of the red clover plant. These include isoflavones, pterocarpans, flavonoids, and coumarins (18).

Isoflavones include: daidzein, genistein, formononetin, pratensein, irilone, biochanin A, prunetin, and calycosin.

Flavonoids are: fisetin, naringenin, quercetin, kaempferol.

Coumarins include: scopoletin, fraxidin, xanthotoxol, coumestrol, daphnoretin.

These components, together, exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects on your body.

But is it safe to add this isoflavone-rich plant to your diet? Scroll down to know more.

Is It Safe To Have Red Clover?

No serious side effects of consuming red clover have been reported in research studies. However, it may not be safe for women who are pregnant or lactating (1), (4).

Children or women who have breast cancer or other hormone-sensitive cancers should be mindful about the dosage (1).

Moreover, red clover has not been clearly shown to be helpful for any health condition. Research is ongoing as current data stands insufficient (1).

Despite these facts, if you wish to try red clover, how do you do it? Should you eat it raw or use its extract externally?

How To Take Red Clover

The easiest way to consume red clover would be through its supplements. You can find red clover extracts in the form of capsules. Buy them here.

Another preferred way is to brew its tea. You get ready-to-use tea bags on the market. Or check them out here.

If you don’t wish to use the tea bags, here’s how you can make red clover tea at home.

DIY: How To Make Red Clover Tea

Cara Membuat Teh Semanggi Merah
Cara Membuat Teh Semanggi Merah

What You Need

  • Red clover blossoms: 3 teaspoons, dried
  • Filtered water: 2 cups
  • Teapot: small-medium sized

Let’s Make It

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a stainless steel pot.
  2. Add the blossoms to the pot and leave them to simmer for 2-5 minutes.
  3. Turn off the heat.
  4. Allow the mixture to steep for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Strain the mixture into serving cups.
  6. Serve hot or warm.

You can add herbs like burdock root, evening primrose, or chamomile to this blend.

How much of red clover can you consume?

What Is The Recommended Dose Of Red Clover?

With current research findings and data, it is difficult to establish a safe dose range for red clover across age groups. In fact, there is no recommended dose established yet.

However, many clinical trials suggest that daily doses of 80–120 mg of isoflavones, in general, have the most significant effect on subjects. This dose range showed almost no toxicity in them.

Hence, if you are using/wish to use red clover supplements, take a dose equivalent to this range. Your healthcare provider would be the right person to set the best dose for you.

In Summary

Red clover is a perennial, short-lived plant native to Europe, Central Asia, and northern Africa. Its pink-red flower heads have been used in traditional medicine to treat/manage cough, menopausal symptoms, and cancer (10).

Walau bagaimanapun, besar badan bukti saintifik dakwaan bahawa semanggi merah telah tidak menjanjikan kesan ke atas kesihatan manusia. Keselamatan ramuan ini masih boleh diperdebatkan. Oleh itu, berbincanglah dengan doktor anda mengenainya. Lihat suplemennya atau resipi teh herba yang telah kami kongsikan. Lihat bagaimana salah satu daripadanya berfungsi untuk anda.

Anda boleh meletakkan pertanyaan, cadangan, atau maklum balas anda di kotak di bawah.

18 sumber

Stylecraze mempunyai garis panduan sumber yang ketat dan bergantung pada kajian yang dikaji oleh rakan sebaya, institusi penyelidikan akademik, dan persatuan perubatan. Kami mengelakkan penggunaan rujukan tersier. Anda boleh mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai bagaimana kami memastikan kandungan kami tepat dan terkini dengan membaca dasar editorial kami.

  • Red Clover, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, National Institutes of Health, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.

  • Trifolium pratense L. NewCROP, New Crop Resource Online Program, Purdue University.
  • Menopause: a review of botanical dietary supplements” The American Journal of Medicine, Elsevier, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • The effects of red clover on quality of life in post-menopausal women, Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Red clover for treatment of hot flashes and menopausal symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Soy, Red Clover, and Isoflavones and Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review, PLOS One, CiteSeerX, The Pennsylvania State University.
  • Biochanin A, a Phytoestrogenic Isoflavone with Selective Inhibition of Phosphodiesterase 4, Suppresses Ovalbumin-Induced Airway Hyperresponsiveness, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Effect of Red Clover Isoflavones over Skin, Appendages, and Mucosal Status in Postmenopausal Women, Obstetrics and Gynecology International, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Effect of Red Clover Isoflavones on Cox-2 Activity in Murine and Human Monocyte/Macrophage Cells, Nutrition and Cancer, CiteSeerX, THe Pennsylvania State University.
  • Red Clover, A Grower’s Guide, Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
  • Effects of isoflavones from red clover (Trifolium pratense) on skin changes induced by ovariectomy in rats. Phytotherapy Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Cleanse, blood cleansing herb-supplement-nutrients information, Blood Cleanse, blood cleansing herb-supplement-nutrients information, CiteSeerx, The Pennsylvania State University.;jsessionid=231BE017D7CD5DFFB98650E5E31E94D1?doi=
  • Herbal Treatment for Dermatologic Disorders, Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Phytoestrogens and the metabolic syndrome. The Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Progesterone in botanicals could aid women’s health, UIC today, The University of Illinois at Chicago.
  • Phytoestrogens in Botanical Dietary Supplements: Implications for Cancer, INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES, CiteSeerX, The Pennsylvania State University.
  • Soy and Red Clover for Midlife and Aging, Author manuscript, HHS Public Access, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Profil Kimia dan Biologi Ekstrak Klinik Semanggi Merah (Trifolium pratense) Tahap II, manuskrip pengarang, Akses Awam HHS, Perpustakaan Perubatan Nasional AS, Institut Kesihatan Nasional.


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