15 Latihan Untuk Menghilangkan Selulit Pada Paha, Kaki & Punggung

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Video: 15 Latihan Untuk Menghilangkan Selulit Pada Paha, Kaki & Punggung

Video: 15 Latihan Untuk Menghilangkan Selulit Pada Paha, Kaki & Punggung
Video: 5 Olahraga Untuk Menghilangkan Selulit dan Stretchmark Pada Paha 2024, April
15 Latihan Untuk Menghilangkan Selulit Pada Paha, Kaki & Punggung
15 Latihan Untuk Menghilangkan Selulit Pada Paha, Kaki & Punggung

Keseimbangan lemak dan otot yang betul di paha anda dapat membuat anda kelihatan sangat menarik dalam pakaian apa pun - sama ada skirt A-line atau sepasang jeans teman lelaki. Tetapi anda tidak perlu mempunyai paha yang kurus untuk itu. Paha anda boleh kelihatan lebih kencang dan seksi jika anda melakukan senaman yang betul. Melakukan senaman untuk menegangkan paha anda yang juga akan menargetkan betis, paha depan, paha belakang, glutes, tegangan, penambah, dan otot paha anda yang lain akan membina kekuatan badan yang lebih rendah, memperbaiki postur badan, membakar kalori, dan membina otot tanpa lemak. Anda juga tidak perlu berlatih berjam-jam untuk mendapatkan paha yang cantik. Lakukan senaman toning 15 paha ini selama 20-30 minit sehari dan ratakan peha anda dalam 2 minggu.

Tetapi, sebelum anda mula mengetatkan paha - Panaskan! Inilah sebabnya mengapa anda tidak boleh mengabaikannya.

Memanaskan badan

Adalah sangat penting untuk anda memanaskan badan sebelum anda mula melakukan senaman paha. Ini akan mempersiapkan badan dan minda anda untuk melakukan latihan. Pemanasan akan meningkatkan aliran darah ke otot anda, meningkatkan fleksibiliti otot dan tulang anda, mengaktifkan sistem saraf pusat, dan mengurangkan risiko sakit otot dan kecederaan.

Klik pada video di bawah untuk memanaskan badan dengan Joanna Soh.

Setelah badan anda siap, anda boleh mula melakukan latihan penegangan paha dengan segera. Berikut adalah 15 latihan yang akan membantu anda menghilangkan selulit dan menjadikan paha anda rapi.

15 Latihan Berkesan Untuk Menenangkan Paha

1. Squat - Senaman Untuk Paha Dan Pinggul


Squats menargetkan quad, hamstrings, glutes, punggung bawah, dan betis.

Kedudukan Permulaan

Berdiri lurus dengan kaki anda sedikit terpisah (lebih jauh daripada jarak selebar bahu). Pastikan inti anda diikat dan bahu dilonggarkan. Panjangkan tangan anda di hadapan anda. Lenturkan mereka dan bawa ke depan dada semasa anda berjongkok.


2 minit

Langkah Yang Perlu Dilakukan

  1. Dari kedudukan permulaan anda, tekuk lutut dan turun seolah-olah anda akan duduk di kerusi. Pastikan menjaga lutut di belakang jari kaki.
  2. Tunggu sebentar dan kemudian muncul.


Mulakan dengan 10 wakil. Anda boleh terus melakukan 2 set 10 repetisi, 3 set 10 repetisi, atau 1 set 20 repetisi.


Jauhkan selutut selebar bahu dan jongkok.

Langkah berjaga-jaga

Sekiranya lutut anda sakit, anda tidak melakukannya dengan betul. Pastikan anda mengikuti video atau mempunyai instruktur yang mengawasi anda semasa anda berjongkok. Juga, jangan berlebihan kerana anda boleh mencederakan lutut anda.

2. Melompat Squat - Latihan Untuk Paha, Pinggul, dan Betis


Quads, hamstrings, betis, adductors, dan glutes.

Kedudukan Permulaan

Letakkan kaki anda selebar bahu. Pastikan lutut lurus dan sedikit lentur ke hadapan, inti diikat, dan bahu dilonggarkan. Jauhkan tangan anda ke sisi sehingga anda dapat menggunakannya untuk mendorong diri anda ketika melompat.


30 saat

Langkah Yang Perlu Dilakukan

  1. Lenturkan lutut anda dan jongkok ke bawah. Pastikan paha anda tetap selari dengan tanah dan jangan memijak lutut melebihi kaki anda.
  2. Sekarang, gerakkan tangan anda untuk mendorong badan anda ke atas, dan melompat dan mendarat. Semasa anda mendarat, pastikan anda menyerap kejutan melalui otot sehingga tidak mencederakan lutut atau kaki.
  3. Sekali lagi, turun dan berjongkok.


2 set 10 repetisi

[Baca: 7 Faedah Menakjubkan Jump Squats]


Anda boleh menyatukan kaki ketika anda melompat atau meletakkan tangan anda di belakang kepala ketika melompat untuk membuat senaman menjadi lebih sukar.

Langkah berjaga-jaga

Perlahan semasa anda mendarat.

3. Tendangan Paha Luar Dan Dalam - Latihan Untuk Paha Dan Pinggul


Quads, adductors, dan glutes.

Kedudukan Permulaan

Berdiri di belakang kerusi. Pegang belakang kerusi. Rehatkan bahu anda dan jaga agar otot anda tidak bergerak.


15 saat pada setiap kaki

Langkah Yang Perlu Dilakukan

  1. Angkat badan dengan jari kaki. Gerakkan kaki kanan anda ke hadapan.
  2. Ayunkan perlahan kaki kanan anda ke kiri dan kemudian ke kanan. Pastikan anda mengangkat kaki tinggi di sebelah kanan.
  3. Lakukan ini 10 kali dan kemudian turunkan badan anda.
  4. Ulangi perkara yang sama dengan kaki kiri anda.


2 set 10 repetisi



Langkah berjaga-jaga

Pastikan lutut tetap lurus.

4. Bulatan Kaki Tunggal


Quads dan adductor.

Kedudukan Permulaan

Stand straight. Relax your shoulders and keep your core engaged. Put your right foot forward, with the toes pointing out.


15 seconds on each leg

Steps To Do

  1. Lift your right foot about knee high. Keep your arms on your waist, and shoulders relaxed.
  2. Move the right leg outward and make a circle.
  3. Repeat this 10 times.
  4. Do the same with the left leg.


2 sets of 10 reps


You can hold a wall or a chair when you do this exercise.


Do not bend your knees or bend to the side while doing this exercise.

5. Plie – Exercise For The Thighs And Calves


Quads, adductors, calves, and glutes.

Starting Position

Keep your legs a little wider than hip-width apart. Keep your toes pointed out at 45 degrees, core engaged, and shoulders relaxed.


1 min

Steps To Do

  1. From your starting position, without bending forward or backward, flex your knees and lower your body.
  2. As you do this, use your palms to push your knees back so that you can feel the thigh rotation.
  3. Move both your hands to the sides, like a ballerina, and slowly stand up with your heels flat on the floor.
  4. Repeat this 10 times.


1 set of 10 reps


Lift your ankles and balance on your toes. Hold in that position. You can also pulsate by going up and down.


Do not bend forward as you would in a normal squat.

6. Scissor Kicks – Exercise For The Thighs And Lower Abs


Hamstrings, quads, adductors, and lower abs.

Starting Position

Lie down flat on your back on a mat. Keep your hands straight, palms under your hips, and toes pointed out.


30 seconds

Steps To Do

  1. Lift both your legs at a 45-degree angle with the ground.
  2. Now, move your right leg up and left leg down.
  3. Bring them back up and this time, move your left leg up and right leg down. When you do this at a faster pace, it looks like a scissor.
  4. Do this for 15 times.


2 sets of 15 reps




Do not bend your knees.

6. Inner Thigh Circles – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips


Adductors and glutes

Starting Position

Assume the cat position. Your palms must be flat on the ground, and toes pointing outwards.


1 min

Steps To Do

  1. Lift your right leg out to the side. Slightly flex your knees. Make sure you balance your body on your left knee and two hands.
  2. Move your right leg in small circles, first clockwise and then anticlockwise. Do this 5 times.
  3. Now, move your right leg in bigger circles, clockwise and anticlockwise. Do this 5 times.
  4. Do the same with your left leg.


2 sets of 10 reps


You can flex your knees and keep your toes pointed backward if you are not comfortable keeping your legs straight for a long duration.


Make sure you keep your knees soft and comfortable.

[Read: 12 Yoga Exercises To Get Your Thighs And Hips In Shape]

7. Side Kick – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips

Quads, hamstrings, adductors, and glutes.

Starting Position

Lie on your right side on a mat. Keep your core engaged, head resting on your right hand, your left hand in front of you, and left palm resting flat on the floor to support your body. Your body should be aligned from the head to the tailbone. Move both your legs out so that your lower body is at 45 degrees with your upper body.


1 min

Steps To Do

  1. Raise your left leg up to your hip.
  2. Now, without moving your upper body and right leg, kick your left leg forward and inhale.
  3. Kick your left leg back and exhale. As you kick back, lift your upper body. Your body should be supported by your right elbow.
  4. Do this 10 times.
  5. Do this on the left side as well.


2 sets of 10 reps


When you kick your leg forward, you can pulsate it so work your inner thigh muscles and glutes.


Make sure you lift your legs till your hips and not beyond that.

8. Lunges – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips


Quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Starting Position

Put your right leg forward, relax your shoulders. Keep your chest up, core engaged, and hands on the side. Make sure your legs are not directly in the same line as it would make lunging difficult.


15 seconds on each leg

Steps To Do

  1. Keeping your body weight on the front heel, lower your body and drop your left knee to the ground.
  2. Now, stand right back up.
  3. Do this for 10 times.
  4. Now, put your left leg forward and repeat the same.


2 sets of 10 reps


You can do forward or backward lunges by putting your leg forward or backward and lunging.


Do not stretch the leg in the back; it should be perpendicular to the floor.

9. Lateral Lunge Side Kick


Adductors, glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

Starting Position

Stand with your feet together, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged. Your hands should be close to your chest as if you are boxing.


30 secs

Steps To Do

  1. Move your right leg out to the side and do a side lunge by lowering your body. Your left leg should be fully stretched, and the weight of your body should be on the right heel.
  2. Raise your body back up and kick your right leg out.
  3. Do the same with your left leg.


1 set of 10 reps


You can hold 2-pound weights when you do this exercise.


Make sure to maintain the rhythm of lunging and kicking to avoid falling and injuring yourself.

10. Standing Forward Bend – Exercise For The Thighs, Hips, And Calves


Quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Starting Position

Stand with your feet together, core engaged, shoulders relaxed, chest out, and hands on your waist.


2 mins

Steps To Do

  1. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and inhale. Bend your upper body forward and slowly go down.
  2. Keep your palms on your shins or the mat.
  3. Touch your head to your knees and hold this position for 2 seconds.
  4. Now, slowly come back up to the starting position.
  5. Do this 10 times.


1 set of 5 reps




Keep your weight on the heels. If you have a balancing problem initially, you can keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

11. Downward Dog Split – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips


Hamstrings, glutes, and quads.

Starting Position

Assume the Cat Pose. Keep your palms flat on the floor, and hands shoulder-width apart.


1 min

Steps To Do

  1. Gently lift your hips, stretch your arms and legs, roll your shoulders down and forward so that there’s enough space for your neck to move.
  2. Inhale and extend your left leg up so that your leg and upper body are in line. Make sure your toes are pointing out.
  3. Exhale and slowly go back to the starting position.
  4. Do this on the other side as well.


1 set of 10 reps


When your leg is in the 2nd step, flex your knees and hold for a second.


Make sure your heels are touching the floor.

12. Flamingo Balance – Exercise For The Thighs, Hips, Abs, And Lower Back


Hamstrings, glutes, quads, biceps, lower back, and abs.

Starting Position

Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart. Hold a 2-pound dumbbell in your right hand and keep your left hand on your waist.


1 min

Steps To Do

  1. Take the left foot behind you and rest it on the toes.
  2. Lift your left leg till your hips. Keep your left leg straight and slightly flex your right knee.
  3. Simultaneously, bring your right arm forward, with the palm facing the ceiling.
  4. Hold this position for a second and then flex your right hand to do a bicep curl.
  5. Now, lower your left leg for a second and then repeat this.
  6. Do this with the right leg as well.


2 sets of 12 reps


You can also do this exercise without the dumbbells.


Do not use a dumbbell if you are not aware of the right way to do a bicep curl.

[Read: 9 Exciting Asanas That Will Tone Your Inner Thighs]

13. Straight Leg Lifts – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips


Hamstrings, quads, and hip flexors.

Starting Position

Lie down flat on a mat. Keep your right leg straight, left knee flexed, left foot flat on the floor, and your arms on the side.


30 secs for each leg

Steps To Do

  1. Lift your right leg till you reach the height of your flexed left leg.
  2. Slowly lower your right leg.
  3. Repeat this 12 times.
  4. Do this with the left leg as well.


1 set of 12 reps


Lift both the legs together.


Do not do this exercise if you have a knee injury.

14. Kick Back – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips


Hamstrings, quads, and glutes

Starting Position

Assume cat pose with your knees and hands on the floor, palm flat on the floor, keep your back straight.


30 seconds for each leg

Steps To Do

  1. Support your body with your palms and left knee while you straighten your right leg.
  2. Now, raise your right leg slightly above your hips. Keep your toes pointed.
  3. Do this 10 times and then change your position to raise your left leg.


2 sets of 10 reps


After you kick back, flex your knee and bring it close to your chest before kicking back again.


Keep your toes pointed and core engaged and do not hunch down.

15. Curtsy Lunge – Exercise For The Thighs And Hips


Hamstrings, quads, and glutes.

Starting Position

Stand straight with your feet together, abs engaged, and shoulders relaxed.


1 min

Steps To Do

  1. Keep your right leg back to the side of the left leg.
  2. Flex your right knee and drop down so that your right knee is close to the ground.
  3. Now, rise and keep your right leg back in the starting position.
  4. Keep your left leg back to the side of right leg.
  5. Flex your left knee and drop down so that your left knee is close to the ground.
  6. Now, rise and keep your left leg back in the starting position.


2 sets of 10 reps


While changing the legs, you can jump to make the exercise more challenging.


Lunging incorrectly can injure your knee, so make sure you follow the best method to lunge.

These were the 15 exercises to tone your thighs. Do them regularly, and you will see a visible difference in your thighs as well as energy levels. Good luck!


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